Supply of Ores, direct from the Mining Company to the National and International Market (export).

Supply of Ores, direct from the Mining Company to the National and International Market (export).• Ores: Copper Supply Bauxite Supply, Manganese Supply,iron supply,Copper Supply,Supply of Aluminum and others.Observation:We do not serve without the duly registered LOI.Prefer to Call on WhatsApp, Chat take your Doubts55035988030303—If you live abroad, outside Brazil, we have conditions and possibilities to […]

للبيع مزرعه 438000 هكتار – باهيا – البرازيل

للبيع مزرعه 438000 هكتار – باهيا – البرازيلالزراعة والتعدينقيمة ممتازة مقابل المالاتصال مباشر مع المالكالكثير من المناطق الصالحة للزراعة لاستكشاف الذهب والبوكسيت وخامات النحاس وغيرها. للبيع مزرعة بمساحة 438000 هكتار- باهيا- البرازيلتربة غنية:المجاني والنيوبيوم والذهب✅ مزروع بزراعة شجرة الكينا وفول الصويا والقطن والثوم والبصل والذرة والبطيخ والعنب وغيرها. مزرعة مناسبة للزراعة والتعدين.✅ مزرعة للبيع قريبًا […]

Satılık Çiftlik 438000 Hektar- Bahia-Brasil

Satılık Çiftlik 438000 Hektar- Bahia-BrasilTarım ve MadencilikPara için Mükemmel DeğerSahibiyle doğrudan iletişimAltın, Boksit, Bakır Cevherleri ve diğerlerini Keşfetmek için Bol Çiftlik Alanı ve Alanı. Satılık Çiftlik 438000 Hektar- Bahia- BrezilyaZengin toprak:Maganese, Niobium, Altın✅Ekili okaliptüs, ekili soya,pamuk,sarımsak,soğan,mısır,üzüm kavun ve diğerleri. Dikim ve madencilik için uygun çiftlik.✅ Yakında satılacak çiftlik,Fiyat: 1.500.000.000,00 BRL(Bir Milyar İki Yüz Milyon Real) […]

出售 438000 公頃農場-巴伊亞-巴西

出售 438000 公頃農場-巴伊亞-巴西農業和採礦業物超所值直接聯繫業主大量可耕種區域和探索黃金、鋁土礦、銅礦石等的區域。 出售 438000 公頃農場 – 巴伊亞 – 巴西肥沃的土壤:錳、鈮、金✅ 種植桉樹,已種植大豆、棉花、大蒜、洋蔥、玉米、葡萄瓜等。適合種植和採礦的農場。✅農場即將出售,價格:BRL 1,500,000,000.00(十億兩億雷亞爾)。#Bahia #Brasil #Farm #Farm #Mining收購這個 438,000 公頃農場並繼續賺錢的願景和可能性。 它沐浴在聖弗朗西斯科河邊,旁邊是 Sobradinho 大壩,佔地 10 萬公頃,自帶灌溉設施,準備種植大豆。這個農場已經種了葡萄為巴西著名的葡萄酒。它種植了很多獼猴桃腳。 5個結腸房屋/棚/種植面積為 25.5 萬公頃,其中 60% 可供她種植,但有頂部(北部)可開采的礦石,並有 100 公頃可種植大豆,並有自流井。舊金山沐浴的南部全部平坦,適合農業。 “農作物和礦石在這裡宣布機會取得聯繫,55035988030303此列表中的照片僅用於說明目的。#Farm #Large-Estate#農業 #採礦 每公頃價格 R$2,739.73如果您居住在巴西境外,我們有條件和可能性幫助您在巴西購買一處或多處房產。一般類型的公司、農場和資產的屬性。請致電我的 WhatsApp 55035988030303Chūshòu 438000 gōngqīng nóngchǎng-bā yī yà-bāxīnóngyè hé cǎikuàng yèwù chāo suǒ zhízhíjiē liánxì yèzhǔdàliàng kě gēngzhòng qūyù hé tànsuǒ […]

For sale Farm of 438000 Hectares- Bahia-Brasil

For sale Farm of 438000 Hectares- Bahia-BrasilFarming and MiningExcellent Value for MoneyDirect contact with the ownerPlenty of Farmable Area and Area to Explore Gold, Bauxite, Copper Ores, and others. For sale Farm of 438000 Hectares- Bahia- BrazilRich soil:Maganese, Niobium, Gold✅ planted eucalyptus, already planted soy, cotton, garlic, onion, corn, grape melon and others. Farm suitable […]

Sığır Buzdolabı Satışı – Canlı Sığır İhracatı – Brezilya

Sığır Buzdolabı Satışı – Canlı Sığır İhracatı – BrezilyaSIĞIR BUZDOLABI – CANLI SIĞIR İHRACATI – BREZİLYADaha Fazla Bilgi: veya 5535988030303 SIĞIR BUZDOLABI – CANLI SIĞIR İHRACATI – BREZİLYAEtin işlenmesinde ve türevlerinin ticarileştirilmesinde faaliyet göstermenin yanı sıra canlı sığır ihracatında lider.Şu anda, Güney Amerika’daki ana limanlara yakın konumlanmış 9 endüstriyel dağıtım merkezine ve Brezilya’dan yapılan […]

出售牛肉冰箱 – 活牛出口 – 巴西 牛肉冰箱 – 活牛出口 – 巴西

出售牛肉冰箱 – 活牛出口 – 巴西 牛肉冰箱 – 活牛出口 – 巴西更多信息 或 5535988030303 牛肉冰箱 – 活牛出口 – 巴西活牛出口的領導者,此外還從事肉類加工及其衍生物的商業化。它目前在巴西的 10 多個工業單位運營,此外還擁有 9 個工業配送中心,靠近南美洲的主要港口和其他從巴西進口的公路。我們為超過 5 個大洲提供肉類和肉製品。我們有超過六個海外平台。 _ 巴拉圭 _ 阿根廷是三個屠宰場_ 烏拉圭 _ 玻利維亞 _ 智利 _ 哥倫比亞製冷單位和企業相關 _ Barretos SP _ Janaúba MG_ Palmeiras de Goiás GO _ Rolim de Moura RO _ Araguaína TO _ José Bonifácio […]


Sell Beef Refrigerator – Live Cattle Export – Brazil BEEF REFRIGERATOR – LIVE CATTLE EXPORTS – BRAZILMore Info: or 5535988030303 BEEF REFRIGERATOR – LIVE CATTLE EXPORTS – BRAZILLeader in the export of live cattle, in addition to acting in the processing of meat and the commercialization of its derivatives.It currently operates in more than […]

Selling Gold Anywhere in the World

Vendo Ouro Para Qualquer Lugar do MundoSelling Gold Anywhere in the World OURO DO BRASIL1.000 Kg Spot + 1.000 Kg extensivo no contrato de 12 meses renováveis a 59 meses.AU teor 99,95% Barras de 1 kg 24 quilates1.000 Kg Spot + 1.000 Kg extensive in the 12-month contract renewable to 59 months.AU content 99.95% 1 […]

Opportunity Selling-Securities Rights-Famous Social Network

Oportunidade VendoDireitos de Títulos de Propriedade Intelectual de um Aplicativo (Rede Social Famosa) Funcionando em Mais de 150 Paises.Interessados Chamar no WhatSApp 55-35.8883-0303 Opportunity Selling-Securities RightsIntellectual Property Title Rights of an Application (Famous Social Network) Working in More Than 150 Countries.Interested Call on WhatsApp 55-35.8883-0303——— #Vendo_direito_de_título_de_propriedade_intelectual #Rede-Famosa #Confirme_as_Informações#Selling_right_of_title_of_intellectual_property #famous network #Confirm_the_Information FAÇA CONTATO E VEJA […]

Selling Share of Digital Bank.

Selling Share of Digital Bank. Vendo Quota de Banco Digital.BANCO DIGITAL funcionando.Vendo quotas de banco digital com bom retorno. Aceitamos propostas.Interessados chamar no WhatsApp(35)9.8803.0303Cuota 1% Valor R$ 200.000.00 O Valor Minimo da Cuota..0.5%..és deR$ 100.000.00.Retorno..Para o Cliente de 3/5 % MêsDepende do Investimento.Compre Cota do Banco Digital Funcionando, para Mais Informação Chamar no Whatsap (35)9.8803.0303Retorno […]


SUPPLY OF IRON MANGANES NIOBIO BAUXITA COPPER ORE AND OTHERS FORNECIMENTO DE MINERIOS FERRO MANGANES NIOBIO BAUXITA COBRE E OUTROS Fornecimento de Minérios, direto da Mineradora para o Mercado Nacional e Internacional (exportação).• Minérios: Fornecimento de Cobre (Copper supply)Fornecimento de Bauxita (Bauxite Supply) Fornecimento de Manganês(Manganese Supply)Fornecimento de Ferro, Cobre, Manganês, Bauxita e outros.Observação:Não atendemos […]